Saturday 22 October 2011

The Book of The Spirits. Mario By Mario Book 2

Mario By Mario
Book 2 ‘The Spirits’


1st January

Writing as the cool crisp wind of an early autumn wraps the town, I find myself trying to remember how many seasons have passed since my first calling. The problem, one must remember is that in those bygone days time was not measured by digital watches and I have no idea how much time had passed. I do remember myself deep in the river, quietly and quickly rising and risking a breather. Soon, I grew more confident that there was no sign of my pursuers, but one could never be too sure and I dared not leave the water. The river seemed to widen and there were signs of human settlement on the banks. One must remember that I had come from the island of Huta and had never seen any sort of human activity which had produced anything larger than the citadel back at home. I had been to Santorini, but there had only be ruined gates, walls and rubble. I had been to Morc but I had only seen the palace. Here was acollection of huts that seemed to stretch for miles. The eeriest feeling was one of silence. The place seemed to be deserted.
2nd January

As the river flowed through my fingers I heard screams and a whole population fleeing away as the rain pelted down, as a cloud I well knew choked the sun. But there was more, the earth shuddered, hot lava seeped through the region. Poor people, with no idea where they were going, nor what they were running from. The water gushing through my palms as I waded in the shallow edges of the river had more stories to tell. Individuals who leapt into the river not knowing how to swim, of mothers and children in panic, leaving their homes and all they knew behind, heading for the mountains or for the sea. Either way they perished. There was little suffering, or most of it was brief. Yet the river acknowledged that some had managed to escape and survive, the cloud’s darkness, it’s famine and drought, it’s earthquakes, it’s lava. But it was the presence of another force that struck terror into man’s hearts. Faceless ghosts that could not be hit, wounded and yet they could pin you down at will.

A Digression

3rd January

It is not the practical way to start a story and then write its historical background at the end. However it is time that a little explanation of the way things had come to this end is needed here. If you find historical facts boring, please skip this.

4th January

In those early days, people’s notion of geography was vague. The Centre Sea was the focal point for most of the gentry of the day. There was no America, we definitely knew nothing of it. Africa was one looming mystery behind the Sahara and the Land of The Pyramids. Some had travelled beyond, fewer returned with strange tales of weird powers and fantastic creatures. These were taken as facts and probably these ‘facts,’ were not far from the truth. Fact is an oxymoron. Jesus curbed Thomas for doubting unless he saw or touched. Did the Holocaust really exist? Some believe that it never did, although I would advise such doubters to visit Aushwitz. Did we come from the apes? Was our earth the result of a big bang? These are today’s frenzied facts. So I believe that the people of those days were justified in believing what they were told.

5th January

This is the knowledge that I learnt at the time, a little from Nena’s books, from Othello’s library and others. Ala was so called because many claimed that it was shaped in the form of a wing. The so-called 7 Wings of Ala were actually 7 peninsulas or as called by the people of Ala, the Feathers of Ala, in Alain the Rix of Ala. The shape of the Centre Sea has changed considerably since then. It covered what is now known as Syria, Iran, Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Albania and what used to be Yugoslavia. They regarded themselves as the first people to come to the Centre Sea. Each Rixa was an autonomous state under the patronage of one sage king. The King of Ala. The feathers eventually broke and formed most of the islands that dot the Ionian Sea. Humans however shared the Centre Sea with other creatures. Fish and animals had larger brains and wisdom than the ones we know today. Some of the wisest living creatures were not from the human race. A race of Giant Bulls roamed for example on the fertile plains of Toro, which was both the name of their land and the shape of their country.

6th January

They were however a warrior race and did not tolerate human activity in their country.They set their eyes on the fair crescent of Morc, the Land of the Crescent Moon which was also the name and the shape of the country. They bore red flags with a gold cresent and thrived as Ala’s western Allies from time immemorial.

The family of De Costa, were so-called because they hailed from the coast of the 3rd Rixa of Ala. They actually left to explore what was beyond the Centre Sea, but joined forces with the people of Morc. The Bulls perhaps rightly reiterated that Morc was actually the second horn which had seperated itself fom their land in times gone by when their legendary King Torrero, (the huge bull of terror which is the root of the word terror,) punished the bulls for not keeping his day sacred. It was a day of much feasting when the bulls romp or stampede across the country from dawn till dusk and beware of getting in their stride. 

 7th January

The Costa’s however decided to try and solve the dispute by going over to Toro and settling the affair peacefully. The De Costas thus gained the title Matador, which ran through the family and was my uncle’s title. The de Costas showed the bulls ways of irrigating their land and farming which made Toro prosperous. This meant that they could trade with the humans they had previously wanted to fight. Some humans were even encouraged to come to Toro and till their land. The bulls of Toro were so appreciative that they asked the De Costas to settle on part of their land, the right horn of the Land of Toro. The De Costas called it l’Onda, the wave, for it broke the sea beyond the Center Sea and suffered terrible storms. The bulls of Toro did not know what to do with this land that was constantly being flooded by the sea and was considered unsafe and useless. Onda or Anda as it soon became known soon became the third largest power in the west after Toro and Morc. De Costa and their people were reknowned for their wisdom and it was said that they could grow tomatoes out of rock, grapes out of salt and their orange trees were taunted to feed on the sand. Soon the crop produced from the barren slopes of Toro and Onda found envious buyers all over the Centre Sea. The city of Anda itself, in the center of the right horn was a rocky and a mountaious nightmare, but just as the Andean had tamed the bulls, they tamed the mountains. They found precious stones, made steel out of the rock ore and had a maze within the mountains that allowed creatures with the right sense of direction get all over the land in record time. This the De Costas had learnt from the ancient scrolls of the Bulls of Toro, once one of the ruling creatures around the Centre Sea, till they infuriated the spirits and shamed their leader Torrero.

8th January

Dalma himself, had lived for some time in Anda and was well versed with the bulls’ way of life and transport systems, information which his armies later used to fill the mazes with some evil liquid cutting off all communication lines. Dalma chose to strike when Don Jacques and his mother were in Toro on a state visit. King Pedro De Costa was in Ala and Pitru was on one of his travels. This is where my story took off.

9th January

Now I will get back to the country that interests us most. Ala as I have said before was divided into 7 states called Rix ruled by his excellency The King of Ala. The 1st Rixa[1] was the Land of White Cotton, the 2nd Rixa was the Land of Blue Fish, The 3rd was the Land of  the Green Flower, The 4th was the Land of The Golden Flower, the 5th was the Land of Water, the 6th was the Land of the Red Rose and the 7th Rixa was The Land of The Unspeakable, The Land of No Return and was all dry and covered in desert sands.

The 1st Rixa was known as the White Rixa, the Land of Cotton. It was the last feather to establish itself as a kingdom and was probably a result of emigration from the other Rix seeking new lands west. It had long been known as The Land of The White Carpet due to the cotton fields which were always plentiful in the region. It was probably this factor that attracted the first settlers. It was in fact a restless kingdom bent on travelling and seeking new lands. Piede, the large stretch of land was just a few days away over an oily calm sea. However when the White Rixa became a kingdom allied to the other feathers of Ala, the people of Piede broke away and refused to pay any taxes to their leaders, and cut all ties with the king. But the Kingdom of The White Rix sent its messangers to Piede with the king’s decree. “The newly formed kingdom of The White Rixa will not persecute, nor impose any sanctions on the people of Piede who have been our brothers, most of whom are our distant cousins. We will not force you to pay for the produce you have gained from the Land of The White Feather. Let it be a gift. Those of you who want to continue our friendship feel welcome. Those of you who think can get by without our help, we wish you the best of luck.”

However the people of Piede were obstinate and all ties with the Land of the White Rixa were cut apart from some coastal settlements. The people of the White Rixa thrived whilst Piede fell into poverty. Indeed the name of the country Piede and the term ‘barefoot people,’ became synonymous. 

10th January

The 2nd Rixa was the one of the Blue Fish. It was the mecca of the philosophers, artists and scientists of the time. It did not produce much by the way of commerce but it did produce good wine and olive oil. It entertained Alains with its theatres, books and proposals of political fresh reforms. They introduced sport events and competitions. They embraced any new invention and cared not whether it was of any use or not. It was often the case that inventions were enthusiatically reproduced and sold on such a grand scale that every house was soon full of gadgets no one knew how to use and even less remembered what they were meant to do. Two villages prospered into cities Corinda and Ath. They were ruled by powerful rulers and great stories of their achievements which later formed part of what is now known as mythology. When the fetahers of Ala scattered at a later point in time these feathers formed much of what became of Greece and the foundations of Corinda and Ath grew into Corinth and Athens.

11th January

The 3rd Rixa was known as the Green Flower. Luscious forests and the most beautiful women thrived there. Animal sages also built their own kingdoms there and lived harmoniously with humans. The people here banned hunting and when they wanted new farming land, their animal allies were consulted and an agreement reached. The rulers of the Green Rixa built a wonderful palace in the middle of an extensive forest and only a few ever made it to the palace without a guide. There were times of the year especially in the height of summer when the thorns and the blossoming branches blocked the way in or out. The palace was divided into numerous chambers to hold the Bison King and his entourage, Pegasus and his winged horses, his cousins the Unicorns, The Stag and his uncountable deer subjects, Castor the Queen of the beavers reknowned for their medicinal knowledge, Brokko the Emissary of the badgers, Ezo king of the Eastern wolves, HuHu Prince of the hyenas, Ursa Queen of the northern bears, and Spelaeus king of the cave bears and their cousins the brown bears, a court of felines loyal to the Cave Lion who’s territory lay to the North East, Sylvan King of the Baboons, and other apes,  Qaws and his birds, the list is endless.

12th January

However it was this harmony that caused disharmony at Ala. As the kings of the 3rd Rixa tended to retire into their palace in the forest and hold council with their animal allies in the forest, they started to lose touch with the world around them. When the animals complained that in the other Rix humans still hunted their brethren the kings of the Green Rixa protested and tried to make Ala impose a ban on hunting. Unfortunately only the Rix of Gold and Blue agreed and this is how Ala developed into an Eastern and Western divide with one ruler representing the Rix of the west and another representing the Rix of Water and the Red Rose to the East. The Rixa of the White Cotton remained neutral. The 7th Rixa was by this time a dark horse no one spoke about. No one dared go beyond the mountains that lay between the Rixa of the Red Rose and the Land of the Unspeakable. Many believed the Spirit’s wrath to have wiped out any human in that forsaken land. The Western three wings were soon overpopulated with animals seeking a safe haven. There were even animals who broke the pact. Attacks on humans were not unknown. The citizens of the Rix of Green, Gold and Blue were not so happy about this as one might imagine. However after long talks with their animal allies a balance was found.

13th January

The people of the 4th Rixa, known as the Land of the Gold, obviously were so called because they had mastered and crafted gold. It was not sold, nor used as currency but was put to practical use as the most long lasting uncorruptible thing that man could smelt out of the earth. Gold is as pure as a pure heart, once the heart goes sour, the gold turns black and needs to be cleaned again. Such a philosophy these people lived by. It was also rumoured that whilst digging so deep into the ground they had come across the great huge golden wheel that turns the Centre Sea around and had met the strangest creatures who had once roamed the earth and had now decided to live beneath it, in darkness for some reason which only the Alains who met them knew.  

They had no need for growing crop or hunting animals. Their natural resource was the very fulcrum of this Rixa and they only focused on how to mould it, into what, how to improve it and how to find its hidden inner power. For gold as an element has strength. If you look at it for too long it will captivate your brain. It could also turn you into a lifeless statue of gold. So it was covered until it was necessary to look and hastily covered again. Gold rings and bracelets wrought by special smiths however could be worn for they strengthened its beholder. The king had a spearhead made of gold and this was the most powerful weapon in Ala. It could penetrate everything if the man who launched it had a pure heart. Again if the man threw it against an enemy out of spite or out of an injust cause the spear would turn black and crumple harmlessly on impact

14th January

The 5th Rixa, the Land of Water was populated by people who hugged to the water’s edge, whether sea or river or lake. Many built thier homes on stilts embedded in the seabed or around their lakes. Some of the people still had fish tails instead of legs and could stay under water for long periods. In the northern regions village folk were known to disappear under water when it got too cold and the water froze on the surface. Their main diet was plankton, seaweed and other vegetation. Yet their palace on land boasted coral, shells and other ornaments from the deep. They battled water dragons together with the fish. If a water dragon took over a lake, the people fled for the dragons were big and strong. If the dragon chose to pick up a lake where a village had been established then the king sent his generals to help. These generals grew in stature, in power and in wisdom and their popularity amongst the fish kingdoms opened up new friendships which led to King Pilip’s father setting up a dolphin colony at Delfa and De Costa’s close relations with other sea creatures. These were humans who felt just as home on land as they did under the sea and did so in harmony with all the creatures they encountered. In time a peace treaty was arranged with the water dragons, just as the De Costas managed to do later at Toro.

15th January

The 6th Rixa was the one of the Rose. Roses and all types of flowers grew in abundance. The people that lived there did so in the harshest conditions, in rugged mountains, treacherous swamps and cragged deserts. Yet they knew how to make their way in a sandstorm or a blizzard and found underground water streams in the most parched areas. They were a tall strong race, their skin as brown as the soil and their hair any colour of the rainbow, naturally red or purple, though the men were known to dye their hair blue or yellow according to their standing in society. The people of the other feathers feared them for they were a warrior race, a practical race and were wonderful in architecture and geometry. They built bridges to cross unsurpassable rivers and dykes to hold back the water and directed rivers wherever they willed.

16th January

Their main diet was meat however and they had littles respect for the animals which they hunted or reared to kill. This was a sore point between the Rix of Ala and the Rix of Gold, Green and Blue in particular. The Rixa of Water remained neutral, although they disliked the idea of men eating fish, their fellow sea comrades. It was this neutrality that kept the people of the water comparatively safe, for they too believed in strength and often had to battle agains the water dragons or other ferocious beasts along the rivers like crocodiles, water pythons in the lakes, and sharks or dogfish in the sea. It was also a fact that the Rixa of the Rose and that of Water were the parts of Ala who supplied the kingdom with a trained army, experienced generals, therefore with security. These two Rix were the muscle and backbone on everything that had been achieved and passed on their building skills, expertise and man power to the other Rixa. The Rixa of Gold provided Ala with golden artifacts and other craft, the Rixa of Green understood the forces of nature, while that of the Blue theorised and philosophised, offering wise leaders and entertainment. The Rixa of White Cotton supplied the land with cotton and other agricultural products and food. They too realised that neutrality kept them in business for they got their security from the Land of the Rose and the Land of the Water and their main clients were in the other 3 Rix.

17th January

The wise men of Ala realised that such a nation could not hold out much longer so a king was appointed over all the other 6 rulers, one that would rule Ala. The king would be chosen by all the rulers of the Rix after noble and accepted candidates from each state vied for the post. Each candidate had to spend a lunar year in each Rix, learning the local people’s ways and thus gaining their respect and knowledge. After 6 lunar years these nobles would come to the throne and one would be King of Ala.     

Under the King of Ala, the first king being Zeus from Corinda, a strong man who impressed the elders of the Rixa of the Rose by single handedly killing a bear twice his size and then crying at the act. Indeed later as King, Zeus enacted that animal hunting would continue to be practiced in the Rixa of the Rose and that of Water, whilst domesticated animals could be slaughtered, eaten or used as beasts of burden in the Rixa of White Cotton, but that it was disallowed in the other Rix of Gold, Green and Blue. Zeus impressed the nobles of the Green Rixa by demonstrating his knowledge and mastery over the weather and how the force of lightening could be used for man’s needs. The Feather of White Cotton he charmed by wearing garments made out of their cotton and linen and only Zeus passed the test of the Gold Spear in the Rixa of Gold, as he was pure of heart as pure as gold. The people of the Land of Water did not dare oppose what seemed to be a unanimous decision.

Yet King Zeus was a good, sensible king and married a woman from the Rixa of Water and the empire of Ala became strong and united once more. Many other kings followed supported by a court of advisors never bettered by time.

18th January  

One might think that I forgot all about the 7th Rixa. Unfortunately there is not much to say. No one in Ala dared speak about it. It was the Land of the Unspeakable. It was the land where all Alains had originated from and yet something had happened to scare all the men who survived away and none dared retrace their steps. It was the source of an evil, an evil that not even Dalma dared kindle.

It was however at this point that I came to my wits. The river passed through my fingers with no more stories to tell. The number of huts pettered out into one huge stone wall that seemed to be the remains of some gigantic palisade. I found a little hole in the wall and dried myself to sleep.

[1] Rixa is spelt Ri-sha as in shut. The plural form is Rix pronounced Ri and sh as in leash. 

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